If you have NOW customers, you need NOW CX

Customer service is today’s primary battleground with those providing exceptional support differentiating from their competitors while driving revenue and creating loyal fans. No matter what industry you’re in, with NOW CX you’ll set yourself apart.

Retail & E-commerce

Fast pre- and post-sale responses support your customers through the entire buyer’s journey

Restaurants & Food Service

Fast pre- and post-sale responses support your customers through the entire buyer’s journey

Apps & Technology

Fast pre- and post-sale responses support your customers through the entire buyer’s journey

A model of perfection

Human Cloud Network
  • Distributed Network of Specialists
  • Uniquely Talented Workforce
  • Outcome-Driven Incentives
Actionable Business Intelligence
  • Customer Satisfaction & Feedback Data
  • Performance Dashboard
  • Crystal Insights
AI/ML Powered Platform
  • One Unified Interface
  • In-Context Guidance, Tips & Decision Flows
  • AI/ML Enabled Quality Assurance
  • Eliminate Resource Planning and Forecasting
  • Make Customer-First Decisions
  • Always-On Engagement
  • Improved Customer Satisfaction
  • Drive More Revenue

NOW CX creates immediate results

42% higher repeat purchase rate with Simplr

2X lift in conversion rate with Simplr

114% increase in conversion rate with Simplr

Get Forrester’s Take on the Impact of Fast 24/7 Digital Customer Engagement

Let’s Get Started

With Simplr customer service, you’ll always have on-demand staffing to answer your customers’ questions. We’re here for you.