It costs more to find a new customer than keep an old one.

It’s an old maxim but it’s true: neglect your customers and they’ll disappear. And it will cost you more to convert a new one than to keep one you already have extremely happy.

Simply put, a great customer experience translates into repeat purchases.

Proactive support leads to high satisfaction

Simplr’s Human Cloud Network scales automatically to meet your service demands. This helps you get ahead of spikes and eliminate backlogs without any planning. Plus, fast, top-notch responses equate to higher CSAT, about 16% higher for the average Simplr customer.

A sale is never really over

Providing consistent, high quality service throughout the customer lifecycle increases brand loyalty. So it’s just as important to offer fast, accurate answers to post-sales questions regarding order status, refunds, returns, cancellations, payments and subscriptions than it is to close the sale in the first place.

Solve even the most complex problems

Because Simplr hooks into all of your helpdesk, order management, ecommerce, and fulfillment systems our specialists can solve all of your most complex issues with speed, efficiency and efficacy all in one place. From Tier 1 – Tier 3, you can be confident Simplr has you covered delivering exceptional experiences to your customers.

No days off

Excellence never takes a holiday. Which is why Simplr acts as your partner offering a proactive approach, the NOW CX approach, to customer service 24/7/365. Where the old model could leave you with unaddressed questions and neglected customers, Simplr simply creates fans all year round to build your top and bottom lines.

Let’s Get Started

With Simplr customer service, you’ll always have on-demand staffing to answer your customers’ questions. We’re here for you.