Personalized Customer Experience With Custom Chatbot Features

What’s the key to driving profits in the era of NOW CX? We have three words for you: personalized customer service.

If you want to deliver a personalized customer experience, it’s a good idea to start from scratch with your chatbot. Here’s how Simplr can help you build a custom chatbot that empowers you to be one-on-one with everyone.

Deliver a personalized customer experience

Let’s look at how to personalize customer service. Personalized customer service is achieved when each experience is tailored to a specific customer’s preferences and past interactions with a brand. Personalization is proven to boost loyalty, retention, and of course, your bottom line. 

Using our award-winning Personal Connections Prompts technology, the Simplr Chatbot develops rapport and trust with customers in a way that makes them feel like one-in–million, every time.

Build brand consistently with a custom chatbot

Your brand is unique…And your chatbot design should be, too! Don’t default to a cookie-cutter chatbot with generic chatbot settings. Our custom chatbot is built with your brand in mind, and integrates with CRM and ecommerce systems to pull data, enabling a higher take rate and better bot experience that can be learned over time. 

Use custom chatbot settings for control of the customer journey

Our custom chatbot options empower you to build a personalized chatbot that’s perfectly in tune with your customer journey. Complex inquiries that require a human touch are routed to our Human Cloud Network, full of agents who are on deck to deliver accurate, empathetic responses 24/7/365. In addition to a seamless bot-to-human handoff, Simplr offers seamless omnichannel support across all digital channels, including social messaging, chat, and email. 

A personalized chatbot design and workflow gain results

Simplr Chatbot automates your most complex customer issues, condensing multi-step issues into a single step, ultimately saving agents’ time and your company’s bottom line! Our behind-the-scenes workflows generate instant answers for your customers, not to mention, instant satisfaction. All of these workflows can be personalized to your brand’s specific needs.