Customer Service Glossary

What Is tNPS?

Transactional Net Promoter Score, or tNPS, is a methodology businesses use to survey customers following a transaction or interaction with a brand. tNPS surveys measure customer satisfaction on a highly detailed level, allowing consumers to provide feedback on their experience with a brand at several touchpoints within the overall customer journey. 

Your company can integrate Transactional Net Promoter Score surveys at any point during the customer journey. However, some most popular touchpoints include: 

  • After submitting an order
  • Upon delivery
  • Following a customer service interaction
  • After making an account payment
  • Following a service call
  • After making contact with a salesperson or brand representative 

During a Transactional Net Promoter Score survey, customers are asked a single question: “How likely are you to recommend the brand/product/service to a friend or colleague?” Customers provide an answer based on a scale of zero to 10, indicating their brand loyalty and overall satisfaction with the outcome of a transaction. 

Next, the Transactional Net Promoter Score survey sorts customers into one of three categories: promoters, passives, and detractors.

  1. Promoters: Promoters are satisfied, engaged, and loyal customers who have had a positive experience with your company. They rank their experience with a 9 or 10 and are highly likely to recommend your brand, product, or service to a friend or colleague. 
  2. Passives: Passives are content with the outcome of a transaction, but they are unlikely to recommend your brand to their friends or family. Passives provide scores of 7 or 8. 
  3. Detractors: Finally, detractors are unsatisfied customers who rank the outcome of an interaction with a score of 6 or lower. Detractors are unlikely to make another transaction. Further, up to 75% of detracting customers will share their negative experience with others. 

Common Questions About tNPS

How do you calculate tNPS?

Transactional Net Promoter Scores, Employee Net Promoter Scores, and general Net Promoter Scores are calculated the same way. Simply subtract the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters to find your tNPS score. 

What’s the difference between NPS and tNPS?

Net Promoter Scores (NPS) and Transactional Net Promoter Scores are very similar. General Net Promoter Scores measure customer loyalty as it relates to the brand and customer experience as a whole. Transactional Net Promoter Scores provide a metric of customer satisfaction following a specific transaction. 

What’s considered a good tNPS score? 

Transactional Net Promoter Scores vary based on industry, interactions, and dozens of other factors. That said, tNPS scores above 20 are considered “good,” while scores above 50 are considered excellent.